12. Documentation
12.1. Manual pages
You should install manual pages in nroff
source form, in appropriate
places under /usr/share/man
. You should only use sections 1 to 9
(see the FHS for more details). You must not install a pre-formatted
“cat page”.
Each program, utility, and function should have an associated manual page included in the same package or a dependency. It is suggested that all configuration files also have a manual page included as well. Manual pages for protocols and other auxiliary things are optional.
If no manual page is available, this is considered as a bug and should be reported to the Debian Bug Tracking System (the maintainer of the package is allowed to write this bug report themselves, if they so desire). Do not close the bug report until a proper man page is available. [1]
You may forward a complaint about a missing man page to the upstream authors, and mark the bug as forwarded in the Debian bug tracking system. Even though the GNU Project do not in general consider the lack of a man page to be a bug, we do; if they tell you that they don’t consider it a bug you should leave the bug in our bug tracking system open anyway.
Manual pages should be installed compressed using gzip -9
If one man page needs to be accessible via several names it is better to
use a symbolic link than the .so
feature, but there is no need to
fiddle with the relevant parts of the upstream source to change from
to symlinks: don’t do it unless it’s easy. You should not create
hard links in the manual page directories, nor put absolute filenames in
directives. The filename in a .so
in a man page should be
relative to the base of the man page tree (usually /usr/share/man
If you do not create any links (whether symlinks, hard links, or .so
directives) in the file system to the alternate names of the man page,
then you should not rely on man
finding your man page under those
names based solely on the information in the man page’s header. [2]
Manual pages in locale-specific subdirectories of /usr/share/man
should use either UTF-8 or the usual legacy encoding for that language
(normally the one corresponding to the shortest relevant locale name in
). For example, pages under
should use either UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1. [3]
A country name (the DE
in de_DE
) should not be included in the
subdirectory name unless it indicates a significant difference in the
language, as this excludes speakers of the language in other countries.
If a localized version of a manual page is provided, it should either be up-to-date or it should be obvious to the reader that it is outdated and the original manual page should be used instead. This can be done either by a note at the beginning of the manual page or by showing the missing or changed portions in the original language instead of the target language.
Packages (other than manual page readers) must not require the existence
of any files in /usr/share/man/
in order to function. A package that
optionally displays its own manual pages, such as to provide user help,
must fail gracefully if the manual pages aren’t installed.
12.2. Info documents
Info documents should be installed in /usr/share/info
. They should
be compressed with gzip -9
The install-info
program maintains a directory of installed info
documents in /usr/share/info/dir
for the use of info readers. This
file must not be included in packages other than install-info.
is automatically invoked when appropriate using dpkg
triggers. Packages other than install-info should not invoke
directly and should not depend on, recommend, or
suggest install-info for this purpose.
Info readers requiring the /usr/share/info/dir
file should depend on
Info documents should contain section and directory entry information in
the document for the use of install-info
. The section should be
specified via a line starting with INFO-DIR-SECTION
followed by a
space and the section of this info page. The directory entry or entries
should be included between a START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY
line and an
line. For example:
INFO-DIR-SECTION Individual utilities
* example: (example). An example info directory entry.
To determine which section to use, you should look at
on your system and choose the most relevant (or
create a new section if none of the current sections are relevant).
Packages (other than info readers) must not require the existence of any
files in /usr/share/info/
in order to function.
12.3. Additional documentation
Any additional documentation that comes with the package may be
installed at the discretion of the package maintainer. It is often a
good idea to include text information files (README
s, FAQs, and so
forth) that come with the source package in the binary package. However,
you don’t need to install the instructions for building and installing
the package, of course!
Plain text documentation should be compressed with gzip -9
unless it is small.
If a package comes with large amounts of documentation that many users of the package will not require, you should create a separate binary package to contain it so that it does not take up disk space on the machines of users who do not need or want it installed. As a special case of this rule, shared library documentation of any appreciable size should always be packaged with the library development package (Development files) or in a separate documentation package, since shared libraries are frequently installed as dependencies of other packages by users who have little interest in documentation of the library itself. The documentation package for the package package is conventionally named package-doc (or package-doc-language-code if there are separate documentation packages for multiple languages).
If package is a build tool, development tool, command-line tool, or
library development package, package (or package-dev in the case of a
library development package) already provides documentation in man,
info, or plain text format, and package-doc provides HTML or other
formats, package should declare at most a Suggests
on package-doc.
Otherwise, package should declare at most a Recommends
Additional documentation included in the package should be installed
under /usr/share/doc/package
. If the documentation is packaged
separately, as package-doc for example, it may be installed under either
that path or into the documentation directory for the separate
documentation package (/usr/share/doc/package-doc
in this example).
However, installing the documentation into the documentation directory
of the main package is encouraged since it is independent of the
packaging method and will be easier for users to find.
Any separate package providing documentation must still install standard
documentation files in its own /usr/share/doc
directory as specified
in the rest of this policy. See, for example,
Copyright information and
Changelog files and release notes.
Packages must not require the existence of any files in
in order to function. [6] Any files that are
used or read by programs but are also useful as stand alone
documentation should be installed elsewhere, such as under
, and then included via symbolic links in
is permitted to be a symbolic link to another
directory in /usr/share/doc
only if the two packages both come from
the same source and the first package Depends on the second. Otherwise,
must not be a symbolic link. [7]
12.4. Preferred documentation formats
The unification of Debian documentation is being carried out via HTML.
If the package comes with extensive documentation in a markup format that can be converted to various other formats you should if possible ship HTML versions in a binary package. [8] The documentation must be installed as specified in Additional documentation.
Other formats such as PostScript may be provided at the package maintainer’s discretion.
12.5. Copyright information
Every package must be accompanied by a verbatim copy of its
distribution license(s) in the file /usr/share/doc/PACKAGE/copyright
This file must neither be compressed nor be a symbolic link.
A verbatim copy of the package’s copyright information is often
required to be present in /usr/share/doc/PACKAGE/copyright
, too;
see Copyright considerations.
In addition, the copyright file must say where the upstream sources (if any) were obtained, and should include a name or contact address for the upstream authors. This can be the name of an individual or an organization, an email address, a web forum or bugtracker, or any other means to unambiguously identify who to contact to participate in the development of the upstream source code.
Packages in the contrib or non-free archive areas should state in the copyright file that the package is not part of the Debian distribution and briefly explain why.
A copy of the file which will be installed in
should be in debian/copyright
in the source package.
is permitted be a symbolic link to another
directory in /usr/share/doc
only if the two packages both come from
the same source and the first package Depends on the second. Otherwise,
must not be a symbolic link. These rules are
important because copyright
files must be extractable by mechanical
Packages distributed under the Apache license (version 2.0), the
Artistic license, the Creative Commons CC0-1.0 license, the GNU GPL
(versions 1, 2, or 3), the GNU LGPL (versions 2, 2.1, or 3), the GNU FDL
(versions 1.2 or 1.3), and the Mozilla Public License (version 1.1 or
2.0) should refer to the corresponding files under
, [9] rather than quoting them in the
copyright file.
You should not use the copyright file as a general README
file. If
your package has such a file it should be installed in
or README.Debian
or some other
appropriate place.
All copyright files must be encoded in UTF-8.
12.5.1. Machine-readable copyright information
A specification for a standard, machine-readable format for
files is maintained as part of the debian-policy
package. This document is in the copyright-format
files in the
debian-policy package. It is also available from the Debian web mirrors at
Use of this format is optional.
12.6. Examples
Any examples (configurations, source files, whatever), should be
installed in a directory /usr/share/doc/package/examples
. These
files should not be referenced by any program: they’re there for the
benefit of the system administrator and users as documentation only.
Architecture-specific example files should be installed in a directory
with symbolic links to them from
, or the latter directory itself may
be a symbolic link to the former.
If the purpose of a package is to provide examples, then the example
files may be installed into /usr/share/doc/package
12.7. Changelog files and release notes
Packages that are not Debian-native must contain a compressed copy of
the debian/changelog
file from the Debian source tree in
with the name changelog.Debian.gz
If an upstream release notes file is available, containing a summary
of changes between upstream releases intended for end users of the
package and often called NEWS
, it should be accessible as
. An older practice of installing
the upstream release notes as /usr/share/doc/package/changelog.gz
is permitted but deprecated.
If there is an upstream changelog available, it may be made available
as /usr/share/doc/package/changelog.gz
If either of these files are distributed in HTML, they should be made
available at /usr/share/doc/package/NEWS.html.gz
respectively, and plain
text versions NEWS.gz
and changelog.gz
should be generated
from them, using, for example, lynx -dump -nolist
If the upstream release notes or changelog do not already conform to this naming convention, then this may be achieved either by renaming the files, or by adding a symbolic link, at the maintainer’s discretion. [10]
All of these files should be installed compressed using gzip -9
, as
they will become large with time even if they start out small.
If the package has only one file which is used both as the Debian
changelog and the upstream release notes or changelog, because there
is no separate upstream maintainer, then that file should usually be
installed as /usr/share/doc/package/NEWS.gz
(depending on whether the file
is release notes or a changelog); if there is a separate upstream
maintainer, but no upstream release notes or changelog, then the
Debian changelog should still be called changelog.Debian.gz
For details about the format and contents of the Debian changelog file, please see Debian changelog: debian/changelog.